Saturday, December 27, 2003

Something's Gotta Give
Cast: Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Amanda Peet, Keanu Reeves, Frances McDormand, Jon Favreau
Writer/Director: Nancy Meyers
Synopsis: This romantic comedy starts when an unmarried 63-year old ladies' man Harry Sanborn (Jack Nicholson) pursues a sexual liaison with the much younger Marin Barry (Amanda Peet). An attempted tryst at the vacation home owned by Marin's uptight mother, Erica (Keaton), is foiled when Mom shows up along with her sister, Zoe (Frances McDormand), at an inappropriate time. Then, through a freak heart attack incident, Harry had to stay over at Erica's house for a few days with Erica alone, much to Erica's displeasure. As a result, they both get involved in many quarrels but they also develop a strong connection and attraction over time. However, they couldn't accept the fact that they are in love with each other. To complicate matters, a handsome young doctor (Keanu Reeves), is also courting Erica. Would Erica and Harry finally realise that love doesn't have anything to do with age at all and admit that they are meant for each other?

In a Nutshell Review: This movie is strictly for older people only. Anyone else would probably fall asleep. However, anyone who is patient enough and is willing to explore the movie further would discover that the movie does have a rare and rather touching story to tell and would find it to be a good movie.

Full Review: First of all, I never wanted to watch this movie. I was in Seattle and I missed my bus to Vancouver and the next bus was 4 hours away. To fill time, I decided to watch a movie; There was ROTK, but the time was a bit late, so, i pick this movie. I don't have a very high expectation for this movie. The idea of 2 people older than my parents falling in love again does not really appeal to me. After I finished watching it, I still feel that maybe I should have watched other movie, but the movie is actually not so bad, and it actually make me think about the possible messages that it has.

On the surface, the movie looks like it tackles the issue of love across ages. First, it shows Harry likes to romance younger women, like he says, "Some say I'm an expert on the younger woman -- since I've been dating them for 40 years.". Then it show the younger Keanu Reeves character, Julian pursuing the much older Erica. And of course, the main love story between Harry and Erica. However, what the movie is really about is how strong, elegant, beautiful older women can be compared to their younger counterpart. The movie took pains to show how many older men can get young, hot dates easily whereas their female counterpart get ignored by the younger men. And then, it turn the table around and attack this idea openly by showing how Erica is pursued by both Harry and Julian. Suprisingly, this ideas do work well, thanks to the actors' great and believable performance. The success of the movie is mostly because of the cast.

Jack Nicholson basically plays himself in this movie. Well-known for romancing younger women in real life, he can probably do this role in his sleep, but while he does that, he also do a little more to develop the character further. Harry might look like a womanizer, but deep inside him, he does has his own insecurity issues to deal with. Then there is Diane Keaton, a veteran Hollywood actress, who truly shines in this movie. The movie has been marketed as if it's a Jack Nicholson movie, but Diane Keaton is the one who owns the movie. Her perfomance is great, both affecting and funny all at once. Do not be surprised if she gets nominated for an Oscar next year. Keanu Reeves may be well known for being a lousy actor, but here, at least he knows how to stay well in the background and complement the main stars rather than becoming a distraction; and he also have fun with it too (after all the work in the Matrix, he looks quite hunky too).

In the end, the movie is really more meant to older people. There are some times when people (older ones I assume) in the cinema laugh and I don't. The movie also gets really boring in some parts, especially in the early part. The dialogues aren't really that interesting either. But it manages to be better later on, thanks to the actors, as it shows how the main characters get in touch with their feelings and what they do with it. Those scenes are affecting and funny and for that, I give good marks for this movie. Maybe 40 years later, If I watch this movie again, I'll be impressed. hehehehehe.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5


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